IELTS Reading: How to Identify the Writer’s Viewpoint

person holding magnifying glass

Understanding the writer’s viewpoint in the IELTS Reading test is essential for achieving a high score. Many test-takers find it challenging to distinguish between the writer’s opinions and factual information. However, with the right strategies, identifying the writer’s perspective becomes much easier. In this blog, we’ll explore key techniques to help you recognize the writer’s viewpoint and how IStudentPlus can support your IELTS preparation journey. 

Why Identifying the Writer’s Viewpoint is Important in IELTS Reading 

The IELTS Reading test often requires you to identify whether a statement represents the writer’s opinion, factual information, or someone else’s viewpoint. Recognizing the writer’s perspective helps you: 

  • Answer True, False, Not Given questions accurately. 
  • Understand the writer’s stance on various topics. 
  • Avoid confusion between facts and opinions. 

Common Challenges in Recognizing the Writer’s Viewpoint 

Many test-takers face difficulties in identifying the writer’s viewpoint due to: 

  • Lack of vocabulary to recognize opinion-based language. 
  • Misinterpreting neutral statements as opinions. 
  • Failure to notice subtle hints of agreement or disagreement. 
  • Limited practice with IELTS-style reading passages. 

Understanding these challenges will help you prepare better and improve your reading accuracy. 

Practical Tips to Identify the Writer’s Viewpoint 

1. Understand Opinion vs. Fact 

Before identifying the writer’s viewpoint, you need to differentiate between facts (objective information) and opinions (subjective statements). Facts are supported by evidence, while opinions reflect the writer’s beliefs or attitudes. 


  • Fact: The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris. 
  • Opinion: The Eiffel Tower is the most beautiful structure in the world. 

2. Look for Opinion-Based Keywords 

Certain words and phrases often indicate opinions, such as: 

  • Adjectives: remarkable, significant, unnecessary 
  • Verbs: believe, suggest, argue 
  • Adverbs: probably, possibly, undoubtedly 

Highlight these keywords as you read to identify subjective language. 

3. Pay Attention to Adjectives and Adverbs 

Writers often use adjectives and adverbs to express their opinions. Words like important, beneficial, or controversial give clues about the writer’s attitude. 


  • The project is highly beneficial for the community. 

4. Analyze the Tone of the Passage 

The writer’s tone can reveal their viewpoint. A positive, negative, or neutral tone will help you understand the author’s stance. Look for phrases that indicate approval, criticism, or doubt. 


  • Positive: The new policy is a significant improvement
  • Negative: The decision was completely unnecessary

How IStudentPlus Can Help You Improve Reading Skills 

At IStudentPlus, we offer comprehensive resources to help you master the IELTS Reading test, including: 

  • Guided Reading Practice: Step-by-step exercises to identify the writer’s viewpoint. 
  • Vocabulary Building Sessions: Learn essential opinion-based vocabulary. 
  • Mock Reading Tests: Simulate real test conditions to enhance your skills. 
  • One-on-One Coaching: Personalized guidance to improve reading comprehension. 

With IStudentPlus, you can build confidence and achieve your desired IELTS Reading score. 


Q: How can I quickly identify the writer’s viewpoint in the IELTS Reading test? 
A: Look for opinion-based keywords, analyze the tone, and differentiate between facts and opinions. 

Q: What if the writer’s opinion is not directly stated? 
A: Pay attention to subtle hints in the language, such as adjectives and adverbs that express attitude. 

Q: How does IStudentPlus support IELTS Reading preparation? 
A: We provide guided practice, expert coaching, and mock tests to help you master reading strategies. 



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